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Road Repair Underway!

An unauthorized road that is over a mile in length was bulldozed across the bluff on April 11th.  It extends on the Northwest from the privately owned farm on the flats next to the creek, almost to the golf course. (see map)

The illegal road created an immediate uproar.  Friends of the Bluff (FOB) was on the phone with the City Parks Department and Avista within hours of the news getting out.  FOB’s position was clear:


> Begin restoration immediately and restore the land to its natural contours and native vegetation.


> Revoke the tree cutting permit that had been issued for a proposed 3-hole golf course

>End negotiations with First Tee about the construction of this golf course or about the construction of the access road.


Our recommendations were adopted:  Avista has stepped in to lead the restoration effort.  The City revoked the tree cutting permit and put the plans for the three-hole golf course on hold. 

This swift and positive response was the direct result of community members' strong and vocal support of their bluffs!

Avista drafted a Bluff Restoration Plan and circulated it on May 5th.  A public meeting was held on Monday, May 8th, with comments due May 11th (see FOB’s comments). Avista has reviewed the comments, made revisions to the plan (see revised plan) and restoration work was scheduled to begin May 15th. Avista has offered to restore the private property owned by the Bracher family that was damaged by the illegal road. Their parcel extends from the private property on High Drive down to the shores of Hangman Creek. Negotiations between the Brachers, Avista, and the City are underway as this is written (on May 16). The Brachers want to delay tree planting until the fall, a request that the city has also made to the draft Avista plan.  (see Bracher’s letter to Avista).

Photos taken April 12 by board member Pat Keegan

City Parks / Avista / Third Tee docs

Spokesman-Review Articles

Maps of Illegal Road


Restoration Plan Process

and Support your bluffs today!

road 3
road 4
road 2

The Friends of the Bluff is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization

dedicated to the stewardship of Spokane's High Drive Bluff Park. 

Friends of the Bluff, PO Box 30771, Spokane, WA  99223. Contact us today!

© 2023 by Friends of the Bluff. Logo designed by Lars Huschke. Site maintenance by Karma Cultivate

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