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Friends of the Bluff presents BLUFF Talks Nov. 16

Thursday, November 16

7-9 pm

The Lincoln Center Ballroom: 1316 N. Lincoln Street

$10 suggested donation at the door

Cash Bar

RSVP on Facebook

Up for a good story? Or six?

This is BLUFF Talks. We’ve summoned seven of Spokane’s smartest, most inspiring people to share insights and stories relevant to our neighborhood open space: the High Drive Bluff Park. Each presenter will connect us to our South-city natural gem, in his own words and her own way, in 10 minutes or less (while you drink beer).

Who’s up?

> The Friends of the Bluff Guy: Pat Keegan, President of Friends of the Bluff

What we’re up to at Friends of the Bluff and why it matters to you.

> The Trailbuilder: Nate Hutchens, President of Evergreen East Mountain Bike Alliance

Life is better on singletrack and the Bluff has 22 miles of it. How Evergreen East strives for trail nirvana in Eastern Washington.

> The Parks Guy: Leroy Eadie, Spokane Parks and Recreation Director

What does Spokane have in the works for the Bluff and its other open-space parks?

> The Fire Specialist: Guy Gifford, Department of Natural Resources Firewise Coordinator

Wildfire on the Bluff: the threat and what we’re doing about it.

> The Naturalist: Jack Nisbet, historian, author, and teacher

The (really) early days of Hangman Creek: a quick look at its travelers and fisheries.

> The Runners: Gunhild Swanson and Chris Morlan, mother/son duo of accomplished runners. She’s a 72-year-old ultrarunner. He’s a former Olympian and the coach of the Spokane Distance Project.

The Bluff trails: a training ground for one fast family’s running passion.

Why come?

  • Good (short) stories

  • Good company

  • Good beer

  • A worthy cause

This is our neighborhood. This is our nature. These are our trails.

Come. Be Friends of the Bluff.

Many thanks to our sponsors: Bob Adolfson, Lincoln Center, and Red Rock Catering. Because of their generosity, we can have a party and tell you stories in a gorgeous space with top-notch technology. They offer delicious, professional catering for any size crowd. By helping us, they support what matters to you. Please contact them for your next event.

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The Friends of the Bluff is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization

dedicated to the stewardship of Spokane's High Drive Bluff Park. 

Friends of the Bluff, PO Box 30771, Spokane, WA  99223. Contact us today!

© 2023 by Friends of the Bluff. Logo designed by Lars Huschke. Site maintenance by Karma Cultivate

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