Your Input Needed
Feb 18, 2017
Meeting with City reps Tuesday Feb 21 to show support for new trail access
Tuesday Feb 21, 6-8:00 pm at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, 4320 S. Conklin St. (43rd and Conklin)
Friends of the Bluff has been working with the City to open up a new access point to the Bluff on 44th and Scott just south of the Rocket Market, where the City owns a right-of-way. This new access will make the Bluff more accessible to many more people. And if more people can access the Bluff and enjoy the beauty, we are more likely to be able to protect it from development.
However, a number of local homeowners oppose the access and are actively fighting it. Your elected representatives need to hear from members of the public like you who would benefit from this new access.
The City has scheduled a public meeting on Tuesday, March 21, to discuss opening up the right of way. City council and city staff need to hear from you that you support increasing access to the Bluff. Please support the Friends of the Bluff by showing up and supporting the proposed access.
More detailed information, including maps showing the right-of-way and trails it would reach, are at
See you next Tuesday Feb 21, 6-8:00 pm at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, 4320 S. Conklin St. (43rd and Conklin)
Thank-you for your ongoing support of the bluffs you enjoy!